Friday 17 May 2013


 Yesterday our half stable door arrived to put up in the kitchen door way. At the moment we are using a dog gate but it doesn't look nice and it keeps falling down, so we had a stable door made to fit the gap at a fraction of the cost. Its actually a gate for the garden but painted up will look great inside.

 We also have a guy here called Joe who is painting the outside of the house for us. I grabbed Wilkos own cottage cream paint but its very yellow, still its better than pink, but for the front of the house we'll get something a little creamer rather than yellow!
 These are some lilies I bought from Morrisons on Monday, I'm still waiting for them to open!!!
I'm not sure they're going to, its been 5 days!
Ive jut noticed, one has opened, ureka!!

George and Bonnie are absolutely shattered after a great run in the park! I wish they stayed exhausted all day!

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